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    How to disable headphone jack

    How to disable the headphone jack on your computerIf you wish disable the headphone jack on the computer, take just a few minutes of your time and read the steps I have described below, so as to find out those necessary to perform this operation on PCs with Windows […]

    How to disable Google notifications

    How to turn off google notifications on AndroidLet's start with Android and see how to disable google notifications on the operating system of the "green robot". Find everything explained below.How to disable Google notificationsIf you want to turn off app notifications […]

    Top 30 Chrome Apps That Work Offline Like Programs

    Google Chrome is a particular browser that on a Windows PC is also capable of becoming an operating environment on which it is possible to start applications as you would on a smartphone or on the Windows 10 Start screen. Some of these applications, even if Chrome […]

    Store passwords and logins to websites in a safe and secure way

    The number one rule when signing up to online sites is to use a password that is different from the others and difficult to guess, in order to avoid hacker attacks. Unfortunately such complex passwords can be easily forgotten, forcing us to use simpler passwords. Even […]

    How to deactivate Vodafone digital services

    Some useful infoBefore explaining how to deactivate Vodafone digital services, it seems only right to explain to you, in detail, what we are talking about, in case you do not have very clear ideas about it yet. Digital services are nothing but gods payment services, […]

    Windows, goodbye to free antivirus from January 2020

    Just over a month to go January 14 2020, date chosen by Microsoft for the end of official support for the Windows 7 operating system, born way back in 2009. And today there is one more reason for update Win 7 to a newer operating system: the end of free antivirus. […]

    Disable automatic video launch on Chrome, Firefox and Edge

    Advertisements are important and vital for websites so that their administrators and authors can continue to provide free content for visitors. Sometimes, however, on some sites, advertisements (which must never be blocked) are made by videos that have the big […]