In these circumstances, Google makes available some tools and light versions of its online services, so that they load faster.
So let's see how quickly access the light pages of Google services: search, Gmail, Youtube and how to surf at minimum consumption with Chrome.
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1) In case of slow connection it can be used Gmail in HTML mode by opening the address https://mail.google.com/mail/h/~~HEAD=NNS.
This version does not have all the features of the normal Gmail interface, but allows you to read and compose e-mail messages. This light version of Gmail uses little JavaScript so there are fewer automatisms and each click reloads the page (mind in normal GMail when you click it reloads only the part of the page that changes).
2) For the fastest Google search, you need to disable Google Instant from the preferences page.
In una qualsiasi pagina di risultati di Google.it, si può cliccare l'ingranaggio in alto a destra per entrare nelle impostazioni di ricerca dove c'è un'opzione relativa a Google Instant. Si può scegliere di usare la previsione Instant con caricamento dei risultati durante la digitazione solo se viene rilevata una connessione veloce oppure la si può disattivare completamente. Per applicare la nuova impostazione si deve premere sul pulsante Salva in basso.
3) YouTube Feather it is still an experimental interface (it no longer exists) from which you can watch YouTube videos with the lowest possible latency.
Since we are talking about slow connection, it is better to select "240P" from the list of resolutions in the options under the video player.
To make automatic the choice of the resolution to a minimum and therefore reduce the bandwidth consumption of Youtube on the PC, you can install the Bandwidth Saver for YouTube extension for Google Chrome which will automatically set the YouTube video quality to the lowest value available.
Obviously, then, it is better to turn off the auto play switch, to prevent Youtube from playing one video after another without interrupting.
4) Google has improved the page a lot in the last year image search.
If you surf with a slow connection you should look for the basic version of which there is a link below. To do this, you can save this address in your favorites: https://www.google.com/imghp?sout=1.
5) If you are using Chrome, there is a way to avoid loading the multimedia content of web pages, flash animations, Java applets and videos.
You can go to the Chrome settings, expand the advanced settings, click on the Content settings button and, under the Plug-in item, select Click-to-play and then press OK. This is a better alternative than extensions like Flashblock which totally prevent the loading of content in Flash because it gives you more control, showing gray boxes that only load if you click on them.
6) Yes, they can browse all websites in mobile version passando per la pagina Google http://googleweblight.com/?lite_url=http:///&f=1&s=1&source=wax (cambiando nel sito che si vuole). Ogni sito caricato da qui viene compresso, con immagini più piccole, layout semplificato e senza javascript.
7) With Google you can also open a website in "text only" version from the cached copy.
The option is found in the header at the top when opening a cached-only site. To do this first, you can use the URL
www.google.com/search?strip=1&q=cache: .
8) As written in another guide, you can use the browser by pretending that you are using a different one, by pretending, if the connection is slow, to browse from a smartphone.
This can be done changing User Agent to see sites in mobile version which are increasingly lighter. In the latest version of Chrome you can change User Agent from the developer console (right click -> Inspect element) and then press the wheel at the bottom right to change the "Override User Agent" option and choose to simulate browsing from iPhone or from Android. From the options, do not enable the "override device metrics" option.
9) Google also offers DNS server faster to load internet sites.
In another article every technical aspect is explained on Google DNS.
10) Use a browser that supports SPDY, a new protocol "designed for low-latency content transport on the World Wide Web". Right now, SPDY is supported by Chrome and Firefox, and is used by both Google and Facebook sites.
Going beyond Chrome and Firefox, as written in another article, the fastest browser to surf with a slow connection is Opera. Opera uses the Google WebP image format to show sharper images at the highest possible compression level.