Microsoft account password recovery
It was used Windows 10 o Windows 8.x and log in to Windows using a Microsoft account (therefore an online account), you can reset the system access password by connecting to this web page, typing theemail address associated with the account in the appropriate text field and first pressing the button NEXT and then on the voice I forgot the password which appears below.
At this point, metti il segno di spunta accanto alla voce I forgot the passwordclick on your button NEXT, type your username again (then theemail address) associated with your Microsoft account (if necessary), ricopia il security code you see below in the appropriate text field and presses again on NEXT.
Pray I will type a code Generato processes the app for authentication or, alternatively, cliccare sulla voce Use a different verification option to receive ae-mail or SMS with a verification code: after putting the check mark next to the option you prefer, type the final part of your mobile number or the initial part of your email address in the appropriate text field and click on the button Send code.
Therefore, type the code che hai ricevuto via email or SMS and piggy su NEXT. If you have activated XNUMX-Step Verification on your account, you will need to repeat the operation by choosing another authentication procedure (email, SMS or app for generating codes). After entering the new code ricevuto, pigia sul pulsating NEXT, enter the new password that you will use to access your Microsoft account nei campi New password e Confirm Password e pigia his NEXT per confermare l'operazione.
When finished, you should be able to log into your account on Windows 10 or Windows 8.x using the new password set for your Microsoft account.
KON BOAT è a delle soluzioni più complete por bypassare the password of Windows in maniera forzata, effett When il boot da dischetto or, ancora meglio, da chiavetta USB. È molto facile da usare e supporta tutte le versioni più recenti del Microsoft operating system, però vanno fatte alcune precisiioni importanti: 1) your Windows 10 supports only gli account offline, which does not work with gli account online (it is not in maniera sperimentale, and only for the commercial version of the software, che costa di più. Your Windows 8.x invece sono supportati quasi totally); 2) not support BitLocker, quindi i file cifrati rimangono tali e non si possono recover; 3) è exclusively to payment, what if you purchase from the ufficiale dal suo sito with prezzi a partire da $ 27 (click on your button Buy Now).
Once you have purchased and downloaded KON-BOOT (before downloading, I recommend that you disable the antivirus, as the program could be seen as potentially dangerous due to its ability to "crack" systems), extract all files of the program in a folder of your choice. Then enter a USB pendrive sulla quale copiare KON-BOOT e avvia l'eseguibile KonBootInstaller.exe contained in the folder where you extracted KON-BOOT.
In the window that opens, click on the buttons Yes e OK, scegli l'unità relative alla chiavetta USB su cui vuoi copiare KON-BOOT process il menu a tendina Available USB drives (the key will be formatted, so make sure it does not contain important files), press the button Install to USB stick (with UEFI support) and answer Yes notice that appears on the screen. Then wait for KON-BOOT to be copied to the stick and boot from it.
Qualora the creation of the drive non andasse a buon fine due to an error, puoi provare to copy KON-BOOT sulla tua chiavetta USB using YUMI, a program to create USB device completely free bootabili.
To copy KON-BOOT to a USB stick with YUMI, start the latter and click on the button Next, then select the drive of your key from the drop-down menu Step 1 and the voice Kon-Boot Purchased give menu to tendin Step 2. Click Quindi Sul Pulsating KATEGORIEN, browse the folder kon-bootCD, type il nome kon-bootCD.iso in the field File name della finestra che si è aperta e seleciona il nome del file ISO di KON-BOOT dai suggerimenti automatici che compaiono in basso.
Fatto ciò, clicca prima sul pulsating Create, by your complaint Yes and wait for the copying of the files to the stick to be completed. Then open the key in theFile Explorer Windows, go to the path multiboot> kon-bootCD and copy the file into it konbootFLOPPY.img found in the folder could-bootFLOPPY say KON-BOOT. Infine, turn nella cartella principale della chiavetta e copia in esso la cartella EFI found in the folder kon-bootUSB say KON-BOOT. Adesso la tua chiavetta dovrebbe essere prompt.
To boot from the key that contains KON-BOOT, you must first go to the configuration menu of theUEFI (chello in passato si chiamava BIOS) and disattivare la funzione Secure boot, that the norm prevents the effect of the boot of the system without certification.
To access the menu of the UEFI establishment, click on your button Home Windows (the flag icon located in the lower left corner of the screen), select theicona dell'ingranaggio che si trova sulla sinistra nel menu che comes visualizzato sullo schermo (in da mode I will access the pannello delle impostazioni di Windows) e vai prima su Update and security and then Restoration.
Clicca, quindi, sul pulsating Restart now referring to the options of Avvio Avanzatoi went his Troubleshooting> Advanced Options> UEFI Firmware Settings and presses the button Restart. Once in the UEFI menu, go to the tab Security, select the item Secure Boot menu and imposta l'opzione Secure boot su Disabled. Dopodiché imposta l'unità USB come unità di boot primary process the scheda Boot and exit the UEFI choosing to save the changes made (option Save & Exit). I know it is passaggio non ti è chiaro, leggi il mio tutorial its how to enter the BIOS / UEFI.
Once booted from the USB stick, you will see the KON-BOOT welcome screen (a black screen with the inscription Kon-Boot for Windows up). Therefore, press any key on the PC keyboard, wait for Windows to start, choose to log in with a password (by clicking on the item Access options, if necessary) and log in, leaving the password blank. If everything went well, you should be able to log into the system without typing a password.
Lazesoft Recover My Password
Lazesoft Recover My Password è a free program (only for personal use) that allows you to reset the password of the main Windows version in just click. It is enough to copy it on a qualsiasi CD, DVD or on a USB chiavetta and you will follow the simple procedure that is proposed. È molto efficace e non produca particicolari controindicazioni. Leggi come bypassare the password di Windows nella guida che sto per proporti e provalo tu stesso… ma only your PC of your proprietà, my raccomando!
Be vuoi scoprire come bypassare the password di Windows, the first step you need to take is to connect to the Lazesoft Recover My Password website and click on the item first Download placed next to the wording Lazesoft Recover My Password x.x Home Edition (Free) (at the bottom of the page) and click on the button Download now for scaricare the program on your PC. A complete download apri, facendo doppio clic su di esso, il file appena scaricato (lsrmphdsetup.exe) and, in the window that opens, click Yes.
Accetta quindi the conditions of use of the program, meeting the segno di spunta accanto alla voce I accept the agreement, and click your cousin Next three consecutive times and then on install e Finish To complete the installation process by avviare Lazesoft Recover My Password.
Nella finestra che si apre, click on your button Burn bootable CD / USB Disk Now! ed insertion on the PC il dischetto o la chiavetta USB su cui vuoi installare il software per bypassare the password di Windows. Click Quindi Sul Pulsating Next and metti il segno di spunta accanto alla voce CD / DVD or there voce USB FlashBased on the type of support that I intend to use. C'è anche la possibilità di create a 'ISO image It will transfer in a second moment your CD, DVD or USB device (through appositi program).
Once you want to, select your device and copy Lazesoft Recover My Password from the menu to tendina and click on it. Home For avviare the creation of the dischetto or della chiavetta USB with the program. L'operazione dovrebbe durare pochi secondi, ma fai attenzione. It was decided to use a USB chiavetta, the software the formatterà and will erase all data contained therein.
When finished, restart your PC and run the boot from the device where you copied Recover My Password. If you don't know how to do this, read how to set the BIOS to use the CD / DVD or USB drive as the primary boot drive.
Per avviare Lazesoft Recover My Password, select the voice Lazesoft Live CDfrom the boot menu that appears after restarting the PC and press the key Submit sulla tastiera del tuo PC. Attendi quindi che vengano caricati i file del software e, nella schermata che compare, click on the button Next Accertandoti che nel menu a tendina collocato al centro dello schermo sia evidenziata la voce Reset Windows Password.
Nella finestra che si apre, click su Yes Please confirm that you are using the program only for personal details. Nei due menu to tendina che compaiono, selectively the nome of the operating system of the quale vuoi bypassare the password (es. Windows 7) and voice Reset local password and click on Next. Finally, select the user account whose password you want to deactivate (eg. ) and fai clic prima sul pulsado Next and then RESET / UNLOCK, OK e Finish to delete the password of the selected account and restart the PC.
Mission accomplished! Now try to access the account that was previously password locked and you should be able to log into Windows without any problem. The only downside is that if there were any files encrypted with the BitLocker system, they will remain inaccessible.
Bypass the password prompt on Windows
If you haven't lost your Windows password, but just want to avoid entering it when logging into the system, do the following.
Log in to Windows using an account with administrator privileges, call up the panel Esegui ... using the key combination Win + R e dai il command netplwiz. In the window that opens, select the tab users, choose the account with which you want to log in without typing the password and remove the check mark from the item But use this computer if you need the password and the password..
At this point, press the buttons Apply e OK, type in the password of the selected account and that's it. From now on, you can log into Windows without having to type in your password. Happy?
In case of second thoughts, you can retrace your steps by returning to the menu that I have just indicated and putting the check mark next to the item But use this computer if you need the password and the password..
Come bypassare the password di Windows