Google Chrome is increasingly becoming the browser that destroys the competition for innovativeness and useful features. Now it is also possible to open sites in a panel always present on the screen, with a Picture-In-Picture function.
So you can keep a part of a site in overprint, for example Ansa or Gmail or other frequently updated services, and browse the internet by flipping tabs in the main part of the screen.
Se non si è capito, basta guardare l'immagine qui in alto, dove si vede il sito e sotto in basso a destra Gmail, sempre in vista qualsiasi sito vada a visitare.
This functionality of the Picture in Picture in Chrome has been integrated in Chrome 70 and it works natively on Youtube and all sites with streaming videos.
Right-clicking on a Youtube video with Chrome will find it Picture in Picture option which detaches the video and places it in a floating window. You can then search on Youtube without interrupting the playback of the video.
To get the Picture in Picture on any website, the extension must be installed on Chrome Picture In Picture.
This extension allows you to keep some sites always in sight in a box or a mobile popup on the browser.
It can be useful for, keeping a check on a web page with content that varies often, a counter of visits or messages or even to keep Facebook always in front or to see a Youtube video or a film in a small window while working or browsing. in other sites.
Using Picture In Picture Viewer is very simple, and you just need to press the PIP extension button to open a site of your choice in the box.
This panel can be resized and even moved with the mouse as if it were a superimposed browser window.
If you are viewing a YouTube video, any other video or game, this is displayed by itself.
You can also open multiple sites in different panels or PIP boxes by pressing the extension button several times.
The Panel remains active and visible on the screen even by iconizing Chrome, as an independent entity.
ALSO READ: Keep a window or part always on top